
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Large, Daily Newspaper

Dreams from the LORD 2007-2010

7 December 2008

Last night I had the longest dream I have had in years. In the dream, I was working as a reporter for a large, daily newspaper in New York City. Then the newspaper promoted me to having my own column. The newspaper offices were located in a big building in downtown Manhattan. There were many people that worked at that newspaper. The dream was very long; most of the details are gone from me now.

[I have had this Google blog since February of 2010; it is similar to a newspaper: posts are being published and people are reading them. A large, daily newspaper in New York City has a worldwide circulation (e.g. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal); my blog (High Plains Drifter) is getting pageviews from all over the world. Earlier this year, I deleted most of my wallsofjericho website because the Lord wanted me to set up my Google blog; it is like a promotion—my blog is probably getting more hits than my wallsofjericho website ever did. My blog has a more readable format (easier on the eyes) and is better organized than my website. The “big building in downtown Manhattan” is Google; they probably have big buildings in major cities throughout the world. The “many people that worked at the newspaper” are all of the people that work for Google and the people who use Google for their blogs.]

[I think it is interesting that I had this dream one day before my book High Plains Drifter: a Hitchhiking Journey Across America was published.]


  1. 17 June 2022

    Last night I had a dream where I was probably hitchhiking (because I had my backpack).  I met this guy and gave him some papers that I had written.  He was an editor of a newspaper.  He published these papers in his newspaper.  The newspaper was THE DES MOINES REGISTER (Des Moines, Iowa).  All of a sudden, this newspaper article caused quite a sensation.  Many people were talking about it.

    The last scene of the dream:  I was in this boxcar (maybe I had been riding a freight train) and this crowd of people in the boxcar were talking to me about the newspaper article (it made the front page of THE DES MOINES REGISTER).  I then noticed my backpack on the ground.  I jumped out of the boxcar, grabbed the backpack and walked away from the crowd.

  2. 4 July 2022

    Last night I had a dream where I was riding in the back seat of this car. There were two people in the front seat: a newspaper publisher from Iowa and his wife. I knew them back in the 1980s. He was driving the car. He stopped the car and got out for some reason. I was talking with his wife and asked about her children and if they were married. She talked about her children and then she asked me if I ever got married. I told her that I never got married; that the nice thing about not being married is that my wife and my children will never meet the Jerry Shey family.
