
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Ron Wyatt talking about JESUS Blood Sample

Leviticus 17:11: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."

Hebrews 9:12: "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."

Friday, December 14, 2018

A Scout for Colonel George Custer

Sugar City, Idaho

28 November 2015

Yesterday I was walking north of Sugar City, Idaho on U.S. 20 when this pickup pulled over to give me a ride.  The guy's name was Ted and he looked like he was in his late sixties or early seventies.  He was driving from Utah to Billings, Montana.  I told him that I was heading to Belgrade, Montana.

Ted spent 12 years in the Special Forces (Green Berets).  He did four tours in Vietnam.  Ted was from the Crow Reservation south of Billings (he was 15/16 Crow and 1/16 French).  I told Ted that I had hitchhiked across the Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservations a number of times over the years.

Ted told me that when he saw me, something hit him in the head and told him to pick me up.  Ted is a Christian and we had great fellowship all the way to Belgrade.

I told Ted that I was involved in intercession/spiritual warfare issues.  He told me that he had been working on a project on the Crow Reservation for 20 years to help the Crow Nation become independent of federal welfare programs.  Ted has met with a lot of opposition.  I told him about the power of prayer and we talked more about the things of God.

We stopped at a gas station in Henry's Lake, Idaho.  Ted bought me some biscuits and gravy and something to drink.  We then walked back to the pickup and he handed me a plate of Thanksgiving dinner.  He told me that his friends in Utah gave him that plate of Thanksgiving dinner for him to eat on the road.  Ted knew it was for someone else.  As he drove through Utah he saw this homeless guy (maybe in Salt Lake City) and offered him that plate of food.  The homeless guy told him that he had just eaten dinner.  So Ted gave me the plate of food; I was very grateful.

Ted told me something interesting.  He said that his great grandfather was a Crow Scout for Colonel George Custer; his great grandfather had fought with Custer at Little Big Horn.  His name was Gozerhead.  We talked more on the Crow, the Sioux, the Northern Cheyenne and the Blackfoot tribes.  I told Ted that I enjoyed reading military history.

Little Big Horn Battlefield

I love it when the Lord puts someone in your path and you have a lot in common with them and you have this great conversation for hours.  When this happens, either you will say something that they were supposed to hear or else they will say something that you were supposed to hear.  It may be one word or one sentence and then the Lord engrafts it into your spirit and your grow stronger from it.  Some Christians call it a Rhema word.  You could also call it our daily bread.  Jesus is the Word of God and He is the Bread from Heaven.

Ted dropped me off just south of Belgrade and continued to Billings.  I walked to the McDonald's and got some tea to drink and sat and read the Bible till it got dark.  I then walked to this junk pickup on the far side of town and hunkered down for the night.  It got down to minus 3 degrees F that night.  My two water bottles froze solid, my loaf of bread froze solid, my sandwich that Ted bought for me froze solid, but I did not freeze solid.  It had been a very blessed day on the road.

Back in Montana
Eighteen Years in a Cuban Prison
A Hot Meal at a Campfire in Montana

Monday, December 10, 2018

French Roast

This is from the blog Fellowship of the Minds:

You Will Reap What You Sow

Like French Roast coffee, I will make this post short and bitter.

France has a long history of evil, persecuting Christians, and supporting and harboring monsters. A city that gave shelter to the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, Karl Marx, and a place for the leader of the PLO to hide his stolen billions, can expect a dark harvest.

I know there is much to love about the French, but there is also a parallel line of the country’s history that will demand justice. The infamous globalists are very comfortable in Paris. So also the terrorist organization known as Antifa.

America, take notice!  

You too will answer to the seeds you have sown.

Fulfilled Prophecies:  Paris Pays Price
You Reap What You Sow
The Muslim Invasion of Europe
A Sign in Paris
Kim Clement Prophecies:  Paris & France

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Gregory Palamas: "freedom from evil actions"

This is from the blog Dover Beach:

“Even when your body does nothing, sin can be active in your mind. When your soul inwardly repulses the evil one’s attack by means of prayer, attention, remembrance of death, godly sorrow and mourning the body, too, takes its share of holiness, having acquired freedom from evil actions. This is what the Lord meant by saying that someone who cleans the outside of the cup has not cleansed it inside, but clean the inside and the whole cup will be clean (cf. Mt. 23:25-26).”

--Saint Gregory Palamas