
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

ObamaGate - ItalyGate

Obama is demon possessed

Obama Should be Executed for TREASON

ItalyGate - Obama Orchestrated Election Steal in Italy

COMMENTARY:  ObamaGate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor

By Wayne Allyn Root
Las Vegas Review-Journal
September 23, 2017

An ancient Chinese philosopher once said, “May you live in interesting times.” Congratulations, we’ve hit the jackpot.

We are in the beginning phase of Obamagate. This is our generation’s Watergate. Except far worse.

Here’s a refresher course for those too young to remember. Watergate was the biggest scandal in modern political history. Republican President Richard Nixon desperately wanted to know what Democrats were planning for their 1972 presidential campaign against him. He ordered a team of trusted aides to spy on them. They literally broke into the offices of the Democrat National Committee inside the Watergate Building. That was the beginning of the end for Nixon.

But today no one needs to physically break into an office to spy on a political rival. All you have to do is use the high-tech electronic power of government. A corrupt president can use the government to listen in on anyone, anytime.

The media and liberal critics went ballistic when Donald Trump tweeted in March that Barack Obama spied on him. CNN tweeted, “Trump’s baseless wiretap claim” and, “Trump just flat-out lied about wiretapping.” Well guess who was right? Trump — again.

According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

If these media reports are proven true, then the Obama administration was spying on the entire Trump campaign staff. Even if they were listening in on only Manafort, to whom do you think he was speaking? Trump and every high-ranking member of Trump’s campaign staff.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

Obama just happened to pick the perfect guy to spy on — if he wanted to fix the election for Hillary.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

Except Trump ruined everything by winning a “fixed” election against all odds. And now Trump controls the DOJ. Trump can investigate and prosecute. Obamagate is directly in Trump’s crosshairs.

Does this Obamagate gameplan sound familiar?

These are the same people who successfully “fixed” the primaries for Hillary. They cheated Bernie Sanders. They even gave CNN’s presidential debate questions to Hillary in advance. These are the same people who used the IRS to destroy Obama’s leading media critics and slow tea party fundraising and activism to a trickle during the 2012 Obama re-election run. Isn’t that an attempt to “fix” the election?

These are the same people caught spying on journalists of Fox News, The Associated Press and CBS’s Emmy Award-winning correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. These are the same people who unmasked Trump advisers and transition officials. Samantha Powers was unmasking names at a speed unheard of in political history.

This is Obamagate. It makes Watergate look like child’s play. The real question is: What did Obama himself know and when did he know it?

Fifty Cubits High
The Gates of Hell
Be Known By Hell
Barack Obama and Africa
Trump Won't Be Impeached, But Obama Will Be - Mark Taylor
Philandering FBI Agents Blow Obama's Cover on ObamaGate
The Biggest Political Scandal in Our History - Sebastian Gorka
Why Obama had to take out Flynn - Sebastian Gorka


"The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing - the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters."

--Detective James Rothstein (NYPD, Retired)

[from Eyes Wide Open by Fiona Barnett, Chapter 1. "Watergate was Pedogate"]



  1. Actually, I don't think Nixon was all that corrupt; he just made the mistake of trying to cover for a couple morons and his loyalty bit him in the _ss.

    1. I don't think Nixon had anyone murdered during the Watergate cover up, either. Nixon's paranoia is what eventually did him in.

  2. 21 April 2012

    Last night I had a dream where I was talking with Barack Obama. We talked for quite sometime. Then I felt something plop down on my head. I shook my head real hard and then this little snake fell onto my pillow. It looked like a baby rattlesnake and it’s mouth was open wide ready to bite me, it’s body was coiled ready to strike at me. Then I awoke from the dream.

    At first glance, if this dream was from the Lord, then it means that Barack Obama is a snake. At second glance, it means that Obama is a snake. At third glance, it means that Obama is a snake. (In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established)

    Notice the snake is a baby snake–it is not a big snake. I believe the big snake that runs Obama’s administration is George Soros; Obama is merely a puppet of his Marxist/Muslim overlords.

    This dream is also the opposite of that Messianic prophecy in the Book of Genesis where it is written that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head.

    In this dream, the serpent lands on my head and then I shake it off of my head–I was never bit or harmed. Eventhough I was talking with a snake, I was not bit by the snake. Thank you, Lord, for your protection.

  3. “Trump’s wrecking a whole generation of Democratic governors who might otherwise have been presidential or vice-presidential timber, simply by letting them run things as they see fit.”

    –Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit (6 May 2020)
