
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Dream About General George S. Patton

Dreams from the LORD 2003-2006
12 October 2005

This afternoon the Lord gave me a dream while I was taking a nap at Jeremy and Felice’s place. I was sleeping on the floor in Jeremy’s office. In the dream, I was with somebody who was building houses on a big jobsite. Then somebody arrived on the scene: he was pushing a small cart. In the cart were two dead bodies—they had been slain in battle. I walked up to the cart and looked down to see the dead bodies. One of the bodies had been decapitated. All of a sudden, this intense white light emanated from the head that had been decapitated—the head became reattached to the trunk of the body. Light was coming out of his face—it was General George S. Patton. I began to weep tears of absolute joy. The light was very intense. It seemed like General Patton (as he was being raised from the dead) was imparting something to me—something was being engrafted into my spirit. Then the dream ended.

Two Dreams:  General George Patton and Clint Eastwood
Patton Uncovered
A Fast-Moving Battlefield
Another Dream with General George S. Patton
The Art of War
The World is the Battleground
Prophetic Photographs:  Patton and Trump


  1. Tim, What do you think, now in hindsight and after reflection, could have been engrafted into your spirit that was imparted from General Patton????

  2. General George S. Patton is my favorite military leader. He was a real ass kicker. He was also a Christian. I have read at least two biographies on his life and I have watched the film "Patton", which I liked very much.

    I believe the dream means that a militant or martial spirit from the Lord was engrafted into my spirit. My main work on this planet is intercession; the Lord intercedes through me to take out Satanic strongholds. When the Lord glorifies my body, things happen in the heavenly realm.

    If you compare Eisenhower with Patton, Eisenhower was considered to be a political general, Patton was a martial general. I really believe that, if Patton had been given the fuel and supplies he needed, he could have driven all the way to Berlin by October 1st of 1944 and ended the war. Patton out-blitzkrieged the Germans.

  3. II Timothy 2:4: "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."
