Jeremiah 23:29: "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Deception of the Physical Eyes
This is from the blog Daily Meditation:
Genesis 13:10-11: And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the Plain of the Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the garden of Jehovah, like the land of Egypt, as thou goest unto Zoar.
The rest as they say is history. Lot chose to pitch his tent with Sodom and that was the beginning of his troubles. He became a victim in a war that pitched Sodom against other nations who wanted to subjugate it (Genesis 14:1-17). We also read that his soul was grieved because of the sinful habits that he observed in the people of Sodom (2Peter 2:6-8).
And the sin of the people was so loathsome that God had to destroy the city, with Lot barely escaping with his life and that of his two daughters (Genesis 18:16-19:38). Not only that, Lot’s wife turned to a pillar of salt, for disobeying the angel’s instruction not to look back as the family fled the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah by the fiery fire coming down from heaven, licking up the place.
He lost his wife and lost his lifetime investment. He spent his last days hold up in a cave, possibly old and haggard, and ended up fathering his own grandsons. The result of walking by sight is so far-reaching.
Paul said: for we walk by faith and not by sight (2Corinthians 5:7); for the things that are seen are temporal but the things that are not seen eternal (2Corinthians 4:18); the just shall live by faith (Galatians 3:11).
What the eyes of faith see, as opposed to the physical eyes, are painted by the word of God, as faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).
Lot wanted to be a great person, he was very likely a very ambitious person, and he allowed what he wanted to blind him to other factors to be considered. In other words, he was blinded by his ambition, though he thought he was seeing very well.
Maybe he did not know about the rot in Sodom before choosing to go there, but he could have left. Instead, he bound himself to the destiny of a nation that was on its way to being destroyed, whereby scripture says: come out from among them, and be separate says the Lord (2Corinthians 6:14-18).
Beware lest your decision be based solely on what you can see. That is a dangerous way to live. There is the eyes of our heart (Ephesians 1:18-19), there is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14), there is seeking the will of God (Matthew 6:10). And we need to realise that the life of a man does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses (Luke 12:13-15).
When a brother came to Jesus saying that He should command his brother to divide the inheritance with him, Jesus answered: who made me a judge or a divider over you, adding that we should beware of covetousness.
Covetousness is seen as idolatry (Colossians 3:5) in one of the letter of Paul, with money (Mammon) taken as God.
It is difficult to focus on money and on God at the same time.
That is why the bible says it would be difficult for the rich to get to the kingdom (Luke 18:18-30). Remember that Abraham was also rich, so there is nothing wrong with being rich; it is all about priority and what you are willing to die to for the sake of the gospel.
A rich man was told by Jesus to sell all he had and follow Him, but did not. If he recognizes that the person talking to him is the authentic voice of God he might have listened. But he listened to his money and not to God.
What about those who want to marry but “listen” to looks and not to God?
The bible says that charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised (Proverbs 31:30). You cannot allow yourself to be taken for a ride through mere physical attraction. As important as that is, it won’t be long before you realise (either when you can still change things or they have gone beyond remedy) that there is an inner beauty (1Peter 3:1-6) and that is more enduring. When you take all the time to take care of your physical looks to the neglect of your inward person, then you have yourself to blame, when you arrive at Sodom and become a victim of circumstances that you walked into yourself.
Lot chose his direction based on what he saw, whereas of Jesus Christ it was said that he would never judge by the sight of his eyes and but as he hears from God (Isaiah 11:1-4, John 5:30). Jesus, talking to some people said that they should not judge according to sight but judge righteous judgment (John 7:24).
Coming to conclusion based on merely what you can observe or what naturally comes to you may be wrong. Paul, full of zeal for God, sought to express it in preaching in Asia, but the Holy Spirit restrained him. Why? No reason was given, except that is not the will of God (Acts 16:6-10).
Therefore the need to know that the will of God is not only focused on the black-or-white-sinful-or-not-sinful issues, but also about making choices between shades of white (if you know what I mean).
There was nothing wrong with Peter being a fisherman, but the direction of God, that does not make immediate sense, was for him to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:18-20). He surely loved his business and had been trained in it and it has formed his identity but when Jesus called for a change of direction he dropped everything and followed Him.
Jesus was a carpenter for some years at least (Mark 6:1-3). He had possibly built his clientèle, had a steady stream of income, but when his spiritual season changed, he took the right steps to meet with a known man of the God in the land, John the Baptist, who announced him, and in a way inaugurated his ministry. John has said that the reason he came baptizing in Jordan was to show Jesus to Israel (John 1:29-33).
A lot is directly linked to sensitivity to the Holy Spirit; spending time to be close to God in the place of prayer cannot be a waste. Before Jesus chose his twelve disciples he was in an all night of prayer (Luke 6:12-16). Some, we read of Jesus coming directly to, and he asking them to follow him, and they found that call irresistible but of others we never heard of such direct call but we see him call them in the general call of the twelve.
He did not choose by sight at all. He chose by God.
Prophetic Vision of Joseph Ayo Babalola
Physical Sight and Spiritual Sight
A Prophet's Eyes
Vision of Prophets
Friday, January 25, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
By Lori Rodeheaver
Our insecure, intimidated king, Saul, has now resorted to “watching” David. He’s gone so far as to rally his troops to David’s house and lie in wait to kill him. This, without a single charge – nothing of which to accuse him. Saul’s mission is fixed upon his one-track thought – murder.
Saul sent messengers to David’s house to watch him, that he might kill him in the morning. But Michal, David’s wife, told him, “If you do not escape with your life tonight, tomorrow you will be killed.” 12 So Michal let David down through the window, and he fled away and escaped. 13 Michal took an image and laid it on the bed and put a pillow of goats’ hair at its head and covered it with the clothes. 14 And when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, “He is sick.” 15 Then Saul sent the messengers to see David, saying, “Bring him up to me in the bed, that I may kill him.” 16 And when the messengers came in, behold, the image was in the bed, with the pillow of goats’ hair at its head. 17 Saul said to Michal, “Why have you deceived me thus and let my enemy go, so that he has escaped?” And Michal answered Saul, “He said to me, ‘Let me go. Why should I kill you?’” ~1 Samuel 19:11-17
There was no discussion. There was no willingness to communicate honestly or logically. There was no seeking of peace or reconciliation. No. Saul’s fear, insecurity, and sin kept him from a rational approach towards any man who was rational and secure. Instead, his motive is always evil and his goal is simply to do away with David altogether – no matter what the cost.
…But Michal, David’s wife, told him, “If you do not escape with your life tonight, tomorrow you will be killed…
Michal warned David. She told him to leave lest he be killed by her father. She lowered him down through the window and he ran away. She tried to cover for him by putting a statue in his bed and telling the assassins he was sick.
But a flimsy excuse like sickness wasn’t going to stop this blood-thirsty man. He tells his assassins to have the bed brought to them! Sick or well, Saul’s fit to kill. Nothing like kicking a man when he’s down,huh?
But the truth was that David wasn’t sick. He was wise. And when wisdom is viciously attacked and violently pursued for no valid reason, wisdom flees. Despite the fact that he doubtless could have taken all these men on and beat them in a brawl without breaking a sweat, David relies more on wisdom than he does self-sufficiency. Instead of taking these wicked men on and handing them their asses, he writes the 59th psalm and professes his innocence and desperate need of God’s protection and justice. Such is a godly choice, especially for a man “better versed in the art of fighting than of flying.” (Matthew Henry)
Well, someone’s got to pay for this outwitting of Mr. Murdermind.
Saul said to Michal, “Why have you deceived me thus and let my enemy go, so that he has escaped?” And Michal answered Saul, “He said to me, ‘Let me go. Why should I kill you?’” ~1Samuel 19:17
Wait a minute…what?! The woman who loved, helped, warned, and covered for David defames him? What?!!
Although David did have his day later with Uriah, at this point David wasn’t the murderer – Saul was! Yet, here, we have the one closet to him slandering him as such before the powers that be. Why?
Why couldn’t Michal just tell the truth? Why couldn’t she say, “Please, Daddy! I love David! Please don’t kill him! He’s a good man! Leave him alone you big bully!” If anyone had the position to say such things, it was Michal – daddy’s little girl. Why did Michal sound more like her slanderous father than her courageous brother? (Remember how Jonathan went to bat for David when he knew his father’s intent to kill?) David’s own wife blackens him before his enemy.
And the final answer is: fear. Fear is what influenced and controlled Michal. Like father, like daughter I suppose. She simply isn’t willing to go down, even for someone as close to her heart as David. She isn’t willing to take the heat when it comes right down to it. She’s self-preserving, and she doing it at the expense of her righteous and honorable husband. Funny how attitudes and affections change when the rubber meets the road.
Our Enemy is a cold-blooded , one track mission, murderer. He offers no fair trial, no honest discussion, and no rational reconciliation. There will never be peace between us and he. If we have any wisdom, we will run away when warned. We must resist him and remember that even good intentions are spoiled by fear. Cowardice is not wisdom, but running away isn’t always cowardice; sometimes it’s wisdom. It’s like the biggest guy in the bar being instigated by the 10 smaller ones. He can take them all down but if he does, he’ll end up in prison. True cowardice is not what David displayed, but what Michal displayed. True cowardice throws anyone and everyone under the bus in an effort to self-preserve.
Therefore, if the Enemy ends up drilling us, we must not lie. Although he will try to do away will us at all costs, we must be willing to both resist him and stand up to him at all costs. Why?
Because Jesus is our righteous husband and he is worthy of an honest confession – no matter how high the personal cost to ourselves. Don’t be two-faced. Don’t defame Christ in the face of the enemy like Michal did to David. Honor him like Jonathan.
And Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him, “Let not the king sin against his servant David, because he has not sinned against you, and because his deeds have brought good to you. 5 For he took his life in his hand and he struck down the Philistine, and the Lord worked a great salvation for all Israel. You saw it, and rejoiced. Why then will you sin against innocent blood by killing David without cause?” ~1 Samuel 19:4-5
Everyday Encounters with the Creator
Friday, January 18, 2013
Clinton Romesha Earns Medal of Honor
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Clint and Tammy Romesha |
Former Army Staff Sergeant Clint Romesha, a native of Lake City, California, earns the Medal of Honor for service in Afghanistan.
The film The Outpost (2019), stars Scott Eastwood as Sergeant Clint Romesha. The film is about Romesha’s experience at Combat Outpost Keating in northern Afghanistan in 2009.
Sgt. Romesha Awarded Medal of Honor
Sgt. Romesha Awarded Medal of Honor
Sunday, January 13, 2013
George Fox Warning False Christians
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George Fox (1624-1691) |
Here is some commentary on George Fox by Hall Worthington:
But, for those who preached and taught in error without the words from the Spirit of God, Fox's criticisms were definitely harsh.
He was critical of religious leaders in hopes of motivating them to stop teaching the words of the Bible, without the words of the Spirit. Here is an example, Fox writing to the Puritan priest of Ulverstone, to which Margaret Fox listened before she became a Quaker.
He was critical of religious leaders in hopes of motivating them to stop teaching the words of the Bible, without the words of the Spirit. Here is an example, Fox writing to the Puritan priest of Ulverstone, to which Margaret Fox listened before she became a Quaker.
The word of the Lord to you, 0h Lampitt! You are a deceiver, surfeited and drunk with the earthly spirit, rambling up and down in the scriptures, and blending your spirit among the saints' conditions. You had a prophecy, as your father Balaam had; but you erred from it, as your father did. One whose fruit has withered, (of which I am a witness), and many who have known your fruit have seen the end of it, that it is withered; and do see where you are, in the blind world, a blind leader of the blind; a beast wallowing and tumbling in the earth and in the lust; one that is erred from the spirit of the Lord, of old ordained to condemnation. You are in the seat of the Pharisees, are called master by men, stand praying in the synagogues, and have the chief seat in the assemblies; a right hypocrite in the steps of the Pharisees, and in the ways of your fathers, the hypocrites, which our Lord Jesus Christ cried woe against. Such with the light you are seen to be, and by the light are comprehended; which is your condemnation who hate it, and will be so eternally except you repent. To you this is the word of God; for in Christ's way you are not, but in that of the Pharisees, as you may read in Mat 23. All that own Christ's words can see you in the Pharisees way. Christ, who died at Jerusalem, cried woe against your kind; and Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The woe remains upon you, and from under it you can never escape, except through judgment, condemnation, and true repentance. To you this is the word of God. To that of God in your conscience I speak, which will witness the truth of what I write, and will condemn you. And when you are in your torment, (though now you swell in your vanity, and live in wickedness), remember you were warned in your lifetime. When the eternal condemnation is stretched over you, you shall witness this to be the word of the Lord God to you; and if ever your eye should see repentance, you would witness me to have been a friend of your soul. (Notice Fox speaks the words from the Spirit of God, often in the presence of God, in the Kingdom of God; click here to see more examples).
But in his day, Christ was also extremely judgmental of those who taught religion in error.
For example, here is what Christ had to say about those
preachers and teachers who had not been purified within their hearts:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
You make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within are full of extortion and excess.
You are blind, first cleanse the inside of the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
You are like whitewashed tombs, outwardly beautiful, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
So you also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Mat 23:25-28
You are of your father the devil, and you follow and yield to the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and did not remain in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of all lies. John 8:44
See Jesus' Criticisms for many more.
And John the Baptist had this to say about hypocritical religious leaders:
And John the Baptist had this to say about hypocritical religious leaders:
Yes, Fox was very critical of
the religious teachers, priests/preachers, and to a lesser degree, to
the professed believers of his day.
But that is because they were false Christians - they had not been changed in heart, purified, crucified of their lusts and affections.
To be a preacher, they must be trained and authorized by Christ himself, with his spirit guiding their words.
Those who taught error were blind guides, leading others into the ditch and to destruction.
But that is because they were false Christians - they had not been changed in heart, purified, crucified of their lusts and affections.
To be a preacher, they must be trained and authorized by Christ himself, with his spirit guiding their words.
Those who taught error were blind guides, leading others into the ditch and to destruction.
Criticisms of George Fox Answered
John Eudes: "a scourge visited upon the people"
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sweet Slavery
By Lori Rodeheaver
Most days I wonder whether my simple life amounts to much.
I write. Does anyone even read it? I run. My feet and knees are starting to break down and I’ve never even run a sub-four hour marathon yet. I teach my children and house my mother. I’m a better student than I am a teacher. Would Mom be better off somewhere else? I clean my house. Is my house ever really clean? I cook and I wash clothes. Will I ever learn to cook? What does an iron do again? I grocery shop and prepare crafts for girl scouts. Good housewives use coupons, don’t they? Less time on crafts and more time on figuring out the iron might be wise.
My life looks nothing like what I had planned. I have a Christ-centered life. I am a slave. I love being a slave! I have surrendered to Christ and every day I wake up and surrender again. I wake up and smile without regrets. I love my life despite my doubts. I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. (Psalm 116:1) I love that God leads it even though I fail. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. (Psalm 116:2) Though it is small and simple, I know he will use my faithfulness even if I never see it with physical eyes on earth. What shall I render to the LORD for all his benefits to me? 13 I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD, 14 I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people. (Psalm 116:12-14) Slavery is beautiful when you love your Master more than life. O LORD, I am your servant;
I am your servant, the son of your maidservant. You have loosed my bonds. (Psalm 116:16) I can’t recall who said it but, perfect slavery is perfect freedom.
Most days I wonder whether my simple life amounts to much. The LORD preserves the simple; when I was brought low, he saved me. (Psalm 116:6)
Sometimes others falsely accuse us. Often times we falsely accuse ourselves. I said in my alarm, “All mankind are liars.” (Psalm 116:11) Don’t let the devil answer your doubts. Hear the scriptures and call on the Lord! I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the LORD. 18 I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people,
19 in the courts of the house of the LORD, in your midst, O Jerusalem.
Praise the LORD! (Psalm 116:17-19)
Everyday Encounters with the Creator
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Was the Alabama Victory over Notre Dame Prophetic?
[8 January 2013]
Last night I watched the University of Alabama football team run over the University of Notre Dame, 42-14, for the national title. I probably watched ten minutes of the game. I am not a follower of Alabama football, but I was rooting for Alabama to win the game. It was one of the most complete and overwhelming victories in a college football championship game that I have ever seen.
If this victory is prophetic, what does it mean? The United States has a federal government that is huge, over-reaching and oppressive. There is a lot of sin in this country. If people don’t want God in their lives, then the Lord will give them big, oppressive government. If you don’t want God, you can have the devil.
Several years ago, I was reading a Christian website and someone gave a prophecy that said, “the South will rise again.” Does this mean that the Confederacy of the Old South will be revived? No. I believe this prophecy means that states rights will become a dominant force in our nation’s political and social life. I believe that certain governors and state legislatures will assert their power and prevent the federal government’s abuses on their people–like ObamaCare. Barack Obama is another King George III.
The University of Notre Dame represents centralized government. Ultimately, the Vatican City in Rome has some say in the existence of Notre Dame. The name “Notre Dame” is French: Notre Dame was named after a Catholic cathedral in France. France represents foreign influence or foreign entanglements.
The University of Alabama represents states rights. The Governor of Alabama and the State Board of Regents oversee the operations of the University of Alabama–not our federal government and not Rome.
I am not baiting Catholics here. I was raised in a very Irish Catholic family and went to Catholic schools in my youth. If this game had taken place in 1972, I would probably have rooted for Notre Dame. I am not a Catholic, I am a Christian. I don’t care for Roman Catholic structure, but I have met some very devoted Christians in the Catholic Church.
I am not a Southerner. I was born and raised in Iowa (my favorite football team is Iowa State University). When I saw the way Alabama ran all over Notre Dame, it really bore witness with my spirit. It was as if Notre Dame wasn’t even there–and shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
I know that the Lord uses everyday circumstances to show us things and teach us things. He who has ears to hear (spiritual hearing) will be able to hear what the Lord is saying. I believe that the Lord used the Alabama victory to encourage American Christians that there will be victory over our abusive White House and federal government in the near future. Praise the Lord!
For the past few weeks the Lord has been showing me “January 7th”. It looks like the Lord wanted me to watch the Alabama-Notre Dame game. God is in the details.
The Forward Pass
The Green Bay Packers and Super Bowl XLV
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