My Books


The Lord had me hitchhike the United States for most of 23 years (1996-2020).  I am a Christian.  I am self-educated and I also graduated from Iowa State University in 1995 with a BA in English Literature.  I have been influenced by monastic and Pentecostal Christianity.

Three Books

I have had three books self-published.  Back in 2017, my publisher (Publish America/America Star Books) went out of business.  You can read my books for free here: 

     High Plains Drifter:  A Hitchhiking Journey Across America (2008)    

     The First Time I Rode a Freight Train & other hitchhiking stories

     Writings from the Road (2016)

A Short Story and Two Poems

A short story, "High Plains Drifter", was published by Ethos Magazine (Iowa State University) in 1995.  Two poems, "Shiloh" and "A Prophet's Eyes", were published by Ethos in 1997.  I also had a number of hitchhiking stories published on

Newspaper Articles

Tim Shey in Jackson, Wyoming, 2011 

"Thou must join in with the beginnings of life, and be exercised with the day of small things, before thou meet with the great things, wherein is the clearness and satisfaction of the soul. The rest is at noonday; but the travels begin at the breakings of day, wherein are but glimmerings or little light, wherein the discovery of good and evil are not so manifest and certain; yet there must the traveller begin and travel; and in his faithful travels ... the light will break in upon him more and more."

--Isaac Penington

"Faith expressly signifies the deep, strong, blessed restlessness that drives the believer so that he cannot settle down at rest in this world, and therefore the person who has settled down completely at rest has also ceased to be a believer, because a believer cannot sit still as one sits with a pilgrim’s staff in one’s hand – a believer travels forward."

--Søren Kierkegaard


  1. Hey Tim... I saw your blog... beautiful job, hope to see you again. Enjoy Jackson.... the real fire was in 2001...still cutting firewood from that one.... Kelly

  2. Kelly: Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Speaking of fire, you may want to read this:

    "Jackson, Wyoming Fire, 2012"

  3. Tim, found's mine:

    1. David: Thanks again for the ride from Helena to Missoula, Montana the other day. God bless you and your family.
