Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Worst Hard Time

I just finished reading a book given to me as a Christmas gift by a friend of mine.  The title is The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan.  It is about the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.  It is an excellent read.

The hard lesson of the Dust Bowl of 1930s is that too much land was broken up by the plow to grow wheat.  The grasslands of the plains states had thin soil and not as much rain as the midwestern states.  It was better suited for grazing cattle.  The farmers that plowed up the soil were warned by cowboys and ranchers not to break up the grasslands.  What happened was hell on earth:  little rain, dust storms, failed crops, displaced families and vacant farmsteads. 

Here is an excerpt:

Pages 256-257:  The journalist Ernie Pyle, one of the most influential writers of the day toured the plains in the summer of 1936.  He called the Dust Bowl "this withering land of misery."  Driving through counties in Kansas that used to have a farm on every quarter-section, Pyle said, "I saw not a solitary thing but bare earth and a few lonely, empty farmhouses . . .There was not a tree or a blade of grass, or a dog or a cow or a human being -- nothing whatsoever, nothing at all but gray raw earth and a few farmhouses and barns, sticking up from the dark gray sea like white cattle skeletons on the desert."  It was, he wrote, "the saddest land I have ever seen."

Pyle never bumped into the ghostly figure who traveled the dusted roads of western Kansas, a man with a white beard and long white hair who carried a staff and called himself "Walking Will".  Farmers would see him along a road, stop and ask him if he needed a ride.  Sometimes he would get in; other times he kept walking.  When he took a ride, it was not for long.

"Stop the car!" he shouted.  "The Lord has instructed me to get out and go back."

Then he would walk over another stretch of road, repeating his pattern.  In 1936 Kansas, he seemed to belong, a figure from an uncertain dream.

Another excerpt by Don Hartwell from his diary:

Page 297:  [July 20, 1938]  I wonder if in the next 500 years -- or the next 1000 years, there will be a summer when rain will fall in Inavale [Nebraska].  Certainly not as long as I live will the curse of drought be lifted from this country.

Leviticus 18:25:  "And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants."

When I think of Walking Will walking and hitchhiking the roads of western Kansas during the Dust Bowl:  maybe he was interceding and breaking the curses off the land.


The Plow That Broke the Plains

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Holy Ghost Fire - Judgment of the Wicked

Revelation 12:11: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

It doesn’t matter if every demon in Hell is unleashed on the earth. We have the Blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. The Blood of Jesus gives us access to the Father, to the Throne Room of Grace. The Blood of Jesus gives us access to the Holy Ghost Fire. When the Holy Ghost Fire falls on us, Satan’s hold on us is destroyed, bondage is broken. The anointing breaks the yoke of sin.

In the Book of Judges, Samson held a jawbone of an ass in his hand and, in the power of the Holy Ghost, killed a thousand Philistines. In the New Testament, WE ARE THE JAWBONE OF AN ASS: the Lord wields us and uses us and places us in certain places in the earth; the Holy Ghost Fire falls and Satanic strongholds are destroyed.

Psalm 110:2: “The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.”

Zion, in the New Testament sense of the word, is the Presence of God, the Holy Ghost Fire. The Lord shall send the rod of your strength out of the Presence of God. No demon from Hell can stand or come near the Holy Ghost Fire.

II Thessalonians 1:8-10: “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.”

“WHEN HE SHALL COME TO BE GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS.” The Lord needs his blood-washed sons and daughters in the earth, so that He can glorify our bodies (temples) with the Holy Ghost Fire. This is how the wicked are exposed and judged in the earth.

In the Old Testament, an external fire and brimstone came down and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. In the New Testament, an internal Holy Ghost Fire comes through His saints to judge the wicked.

Hebrews 10:31: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

How to Overcome Our Spiritual Adversary - Revelation 12:11

Satan Cast Out:  A Woman, A Child, A Dragon by Shane Idleman

Akal Esh:  The Consuming Fire

Constellation Virgo / Biblical

Thursday, December 14, 2023

George H.W. Bush - CIA - JFK - Reagan

George H.W. Bush - CIA - JFK - Reagan

From this video: on George H.W. Bush and Chip Tatum:

16:00 - 16:30: ". . .Chip Tatum who worked for George Bush, Sr.-- very, very close to him. He said that George Bush, Sr., by far, was the most intelligent person he had ever met. And, by far, the most evil."

Another description of George H.W. Bush by Barbara Honegger: 23:20 - 24:00.

Chip Tatum - Presidential Secrets

George H.W. Bush Funeral

Conspiring Against President Trump

John Stockwell - CIA Whistleblower

LBJ and the Killing of JFK with Roger Stone

The Angel of Death in the film Sicario (2015)

Interview with the Grassy Knoll JFK Shooter - James Files

Cathy O'Brien:  Reagan - George H.W. Bush - Clinton - For 20 years Bush ran the White House - Reagan & Clinton took Orders from Bush (5:10 - 8:50)

Kim Clement Prophecies - Kennedy Family, Trump & Assassination attempt - 2004-2009

According to Ole Dammegard, George H.W. Bush (ex-CIA) ran the U.S. from 1981 through 2009. Reagan did what Bush told him to do. Bush was friends with Bill Clinton. George W. was his son. H.W.'s grandfather (Samuel Prescott Bush) forged the Zimmerman Telegram in 1917 which led the U.S. into WWI (13:00 - 13:20 in top video).

Michael Jaco & Cathy O'Brien:  George H.W. Bush and Dick Cheney ran the White House after the assassination attempt on President Reagan (13:30 - 16:00)

George W. Bush was the absolute Manchurian Candidate (MK - mind control) (31:00 - 31:20)


Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones, also known as The Order, Order 322 or The Brotherhood of Death, based out of Yale University - Antony Sutton

In the video above, Antony Sutton talks about Averell Harriman (1891-1986) beginning at 7:55.  Harriman became a member of Skull and Bones in 1913.  He was considered the Godfather of The Order (Skull and Bones).

George H.W. Bush (1924-2018) became a member in 1948.

William F. Buckley, Jr (1925-2008) became a member in 1949 (9:35-10:00).  I think this is very interesting because Buckley was Irish Catholic.  I didn't think Skull and Bones would take in Catholics.  I have always thought of Skull and Bones as exclusively WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant).

George W. Bush (born 1946) and his grandfather, Prescott Bush (1895-1972), were also members of Skull and Bones.

Antony Sutton - How Skull and Bones Controls Education

America's Secret Establishment:  The Order of Skull & Bones

Averell Harriman (1:11:40)

George H.W. Bush (1:27:20)

Tim Russert died shortly after asking George W. Bush about the Skull and Bones Secret Society

Genesis 3:22:  "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever."

Thursday, December 7, 2023

2024 - The Transition Prophecy & Vision - Texas

From Richard's Watch Telegram.  Forwarded from Seeking the Glory of God:

2024 - The Transition Prophecy & Vision [Texas as the next capital of the United States? (7:20 - 7:50)]

Tiffany Root and Kirk VandeGuchte
November 24, 2023

2024 The Transition [transcript]

The Lord speaks to me (Kirk) today. He says: "Prophet, lift your eyes and see. I AM would show you some things."

He continues, "Prophet, tell the people that I AM has a plan. One plan. Plan A.  And it will be carried out on the earth. And tell them that My plans are good!

Now, about your enemy. He too makes plans, but his plans are destined to fail. Then he must formulate back up plans and regroup to carry them out. What will he do? Is there anything he wouldn't try to do? To what extreme would he go to keep his grip on the world? Therefore, prepare yourselves then for this coming evil. Do not go into fear! But plan on seeing some of the enemy's tactics displayed. Kill, steal, destroy - yes, this will happen. But do not back down or shy away. Remember, Plan A is still in effect. When the religious become downcast and want to give up, remember they were never with you anyway. When tempted to panic, remember I AM is still in charge!"

I'm taken in the Spirit to an unfamiliar place. There are many machines at work, earth moving equipment, and scores of workers. Some are at work making new roads. There are a lot of engineers and surveyors laying out a great project. I asked in my mind, "What is this?" The voice of the Lord says, 

"The capital city will no longer be separate from the states it governs over. It will be in and among the states and the people, for it will be under the same law and the same standards as the rest of the country over which it governs. It cannot be separate any longer."

I continued to look over this great undertaking, and in doing so, I came to a building which was completely finished. It was big and white and had very broad steps leading up to it. There were people gathered everywhere. It was very crowded. Being in the spirit, I drifted over the top of this crowd and looked at the top of the stairs to a place where a podium stood. As I waited, I saw a man step up to the microphone and begin to speak. I couldn't hear what he said, but he only spoke a few words, stretched forth his right hand, and ushered the next speaker to the mic.

Donald Trump then took his place before the people and began to speak. I still couldn't hear what was said, but I watched, and when the first words came from him, the crowd went totally crazy hugging each other, throwing things in the air, crazy! In my mind I wondered what he might have said to get that reaction. Again the Lord spoke: "He just took back his rightful spot as President." WOW! I too felt just beside myself!

President Trump spoke for some time, then turned his back to the crowd, stretched out his right hand straight in front of himself, and began to slowly turn in a circle with his hand completely stretched out in front of him. He did a complete 360 degree circle. Again, the crowd went crazy!

I lifted my eyes right then as he swept his hand, and I saw everything that was wrong made right. Trash disappeared, the broken things were restored, the air cleared, the downcast were raised up, etc. I thought, "How weird. How could this happen?" Then I again heard the Lord: "I AM a Redeemer." Amen.

Derek Johnson & Riccardo Bosi - Texas the NEXT Capital of USA? (1:10:30 - 1:11:40)


Derek Johnson - Donald Trump is your Commander in Chief

2021:  A 'Now' Word for the State of Texas - Veronika West

Four Winds prophetic vision:  2024 The Transition - Kurt VandeGuchte

The Eagle Has Landed in Texas 

"The location of the new capital will soon be revealed." - Julie Green Prophecy


Britain to sign biggest U.S. state-level trade pact yet with Texas

Friday, December 1, 2023

Obedience and God's Promises - Noah

This is from the blog A Word in Season:

“For you have need of patience (endurance),
that having done the will of God
you may obtain the promise.”
Hebrews 10:36 (LITV)

God’s promises come as we persevere in our work of obedience. It is in our “having done” the will of God we obtain His great and precious promises.

Obedience and God’s Promises – Noah

“Just as it was in the days of Noah,
so will it be in the days of the Son of Man”
Luke 17:26 (ESV)

The promise to Noah of salvation for his family was obtained after he had completed the ark. His obedience was required for the promise to be fulfilled.

“God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water…”
1 Peter 3:20

God and His promises waited “while the ark was being prepared”. May we comprehend that His promises concerning us also wait upon our working out of His will in our lives. God’s promise to Noah was inextricably entwined in the work that God gave him to do. So, it is with each of us. The work He has given us to accomplish is directly related to the promises given. Each of us is a participant in the fulfillment of His grace personally and corporately!

“By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this, he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith”
Hebrews 11:7  (SELAH!)

How did Noah condemn the world? By His obedience in building the ark. It is through our obedience unto Him that we condemn this world.

“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,
and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ”
2 Thessalonians 1:8

The judgment of God falls on the disobedient but the fulcrum for His releasing of these judgments on the earth is the obedience of His people. God is not a hypocrite; He cannot freely judge the world in fullness until He has a people who walk in obedience.

“And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience,
when your obedience is fulfilled”
2 Corinthians 10:6

Obedience and God’s Promises – Lot

“Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire, and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all— so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed”
Luke 17:28-30 (ESV)

God waited in Noah’s day, as He also waited for Lot to leave Sodom and Gomorrah (Revelation 18:4).

“Escape there quickly,
for I can do nothing till you arrive there”
Genesis 19:22

The Judgment of God was stayed until Lot was out of the city! May we comprehend the righteousness of God concerning His judgments in our day and how closely they are related to our obedience. He is ever watching over us, pressing us, drawing us, and moving us to follow in the footsteps of the Author of our Faith, Jesus Christ.

Noah being moved by faith was the beginning of the end of the world and its violence of that Day. So it is in this final chapter of the world as we now know it. The True Faith of God MOVES His own unto obedience. Faith that does not culminate in obedience is a dead, religious faith that will never move the hand of God.

“But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets,
according to the commandment of the everlasting God,
made known to all nations FOR the obedience of faith”
Romans 16:26

Why is the Gospel to be made known to all the nations? For the obedience of Faith! The modern-day evangelist who preaches salvation from hell while excluding the obedience of faith has failed to present the Lordship of Christ. There is a vast difference between those who know Christ as Savior and those who know Him as Christ the LORD.

The faith that moves the hearts of men
Is the same faith that moves
The hand of God in a responding manner

“The safe place lies in obedience to God’s Word,
singleness of heart and holy vigilance”
A.B. Simpson

See Related Post in this Series: Obedience and God’s Promises – Elisha

See related article on overcoming the apathy: Lukewarmness

See related article on Lot leaving Sodom: The Two Voices

Brian Troxel

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The TRUTH about Dublin Riots & Conor McGregor

The TRUTH about Dublin Riots & Conor McGregor - Russell Brand

Romans 1:18: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Ante Pavkovic Responds to J.D. Hall

Ante Pavkovic Responds to J.D. Hall

John 5:39-40:  "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.  And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life."

J.D. Hall Removed from Church for 'Failure to Demonstrate Repentance'

Ante Pavkovic preaches in front of an abortion clinic in Jackson, Wyoming

Jesus shows how you DON'T give pearls to swine

Debate between J.D. Hall and Ante Pavkovic - Charismatic Gifts

Luke 23:8-11:  "And when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was desirous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him; and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. Then he questioned with him in many words; but he answered him nothing. And the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him. And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate."

Friday, November 17, 2023

World Economic Forum


World Economic Forum - A Failing Criminal Organization

Javier Milei at Davos (134:30 -138:00)


Johnny Enlow - Ezra Cohen and the Present Prophetic Task

In this video with Johnny Enlow, between 1:03:20 and 1:03:35 we have this message forwarded from Grant H:

"According to Alexander Soros (son of George Soros) Donald Trump is already the President of the United States to the people at the World Economic Forum:

"'In Davos, Donald Trump is already the president.'"

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Monday, November 6, 2023

War in Gaza illustrates that knowledge and morality are not even distant cousins

By Gideon Elazar

Opinion: We must challenge the notion that knowledge and morality are interconnected; This misconception allows morality to be judged through intellectual efforts, potentially leading to moral failures in societal judgement, particularly in the context of the Israel-Hamas war

There is a commonly held conception that knowledge and morality are somehow related. We assume that investing significant time in the acquisition of knowledge and being knowledgeable, somehow makes us more refined, broadens our perspectives and helps us distinguish between right and wrong.

We also tend to assume the opposite - that immorality is the result of ignorance and lack of knowledge. The need to tackle or defend this assumption is often expressed when discussing the Holocaust. This was a commonly heard question following World War Two: how could the products of a culture that had produced such creative and elaborate thinkers and artists engage in acts of ruthless barbarism?

The answer is simply that the assumption is false. Knowledge and morality are two different and fundamentally unrelated aspects of being human. This is true both with regard to the actual committing of crimes and with regard to the ability to recognize them. We already know this. But in fact, the assumption is not only false, it's dangerous. It creates a feeling that morality can be judged through the prism of theory and intellectual efforts and that those who have acquired knowledge are somehow better placed to recognize evil.

As academics, we produce many words but tend to take them lightly. With the deep erosion of truth and objectivity in the past several decades, our words have become nothing more than temporary fashions. But organizations like Hamas use words the old way – they mean them. When they write in their charter that killing Jews is a religious duty to be undertaken before the Day of Judgement, they are not engaging in intellectual debate. On the 7th of October, they were simply living up to their own words.

A few days ago, I received this announcement from the American Academy of Religion:

"The Board of Directors of the AAR recognizes that no public statement will adequately express our empathy and solidarity with those who are heartbroken and outraged. We condemn the killing of Israeli civilians and the taking of Israeli hostages by Hamas. We condemn the lethal violence against Palestinian civilians and the decades-long occupation and denial of human rights to Palestinians by Israel’s government. We recognize the error of equating people with their governments. As a scholarly organization that values the critique of constellations of power, the AAR rejects all forms of colonialism, dispossession, occupation, hegemony, and violence."

These words are a resounding moral failure. One short sentence concerning the brutal murder, rape and kidnapping of over 1500 civilians, is followed by its justification and a total negation of Israel's right to defend itself. The reason for the failure is clearly expressed within the announcement itself; it is rooted in the total subjugation of Western academia to the issue of "constellations of power", an ideology that recognizes all power as evil and all weakness as invariably righteous.

I am not surprised by this failure, nor am I troubled by the insult it offers. As an Israeli, I am thankful that we protect ourselves here regardless of the proclamations of intellectuals. I take encouragement in the support of many others worldwide, people who can easily discern between good and evil without being acquainted with contemporary theories of gender, race or power.

But as a human being living in the free world, I am alarmed because a culture that is unable to differentiate between brutality and self-defense will not survive. I am concerned for you in the U.S. and elsewhere. If you cannot distinguish between the brutal murder of a child and the violence required to eliminate the murderer, you will not survive. If you are not able to see the difference between an ideology of hatred and genocide and the means to oppose such an ideology, you will not survive. For your own sake, you must wake up now.

Gideon Elazar is an anthropologist of religion and ethnicity at Bar Ilan and Ariel universities

[from - 11.04.23]

Miracle at Kfar Aza, Israel

A Letter from Israel

Turkish member of parliament Hasan Bitmez curses and condemns Israel for the attacks in Gaza - then collapses due to cardiac arrest

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dr. Carrie Madej - No Vax is Good - Miracle Survival Plane Crash - Luciferase Slides

Dr. Carrie Madej

Dr. Carrie Madej - No Vax is Good - Miracle Survival Plane Crash - Luciferase Slides

Luciferase (Lucifer's race).  Satan wanted his own race of hybrid human/angels when the fallen angels had relations with women in Genesis Chapter 6.  Satan is still trying to genetically alter mankind with his third strand (triple helix) of DNA in the bioweapon injection.   Normal humans have two strands (double helix) in their DNA.  The triple helix DNA is basically 666.

You are made in God's image unless you change it with the gene-editing death jab



Anthony Fauci's Crimes Exposed

"Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is must we ever be." (Act 5, Scene 2) 

-- from "Dr. Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe


This is why President Trump implemented Operation Warp Speed:

Riccardo Bosi - The Final Phase Plan (24:18 - 26:20)

Friday, September 8, 2023

The FBI Exposed

Ted Gunderson

The FBI Exposed - Ted Gunderson

Former FBI Head confirms the FBI is infiltrated by the Illuminati cult involved in the assassination of JFK, Oklahoma bombing, Waco siege, World Trade Center bombing, 9/11 and the kidnapping of children for sex, sacrifices and body parts.

FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Saving the Children from the DUMBs in Australia

Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms into Censorship - Violating First Amendment

Saturday, August 26, 2023

I Saw President Trump with Evidence in Hand - Barry Wunsch

Prophetic Dream Encounter: I Saw President Trump with Evidence in Hand

August Friday 11 and Saturday 12, 2023
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
I had the same prophetic dream two nights in a row.
They were identical bumper to bumper. Front to back inside and out, they were exactly the same.

In this dream I found myself on a city sidewalk, there was President Trump walking at a quick pace leading a group of his team and security.

I was in the spirit following behind the President,
In a position like a camera or drone up over his right shoulder about 5 feet higher than he was and 5 or six feet behind.

It was the perfect view. Front row seats.

He was surrounded by his team and high-level security.
The thing that was different today was that the President was not following the team, he was leading them and they could not get ahead of him on this one.

His countenance was a little different than I had seen before.

He was not happy. Not happy at all.

In fact, I would say that he was in a fighting mood.

Enough was enough.

He had seen enough and had had enough of what was going on.

He had evidence in hand.

And he was ready to go with all he had.

He would be well able to shred them.

Expose them and what they had been doing behind his back.

It was go time.

The righteous anger that had been brewing was at an all-time high.

They had dug a pit big enough for long enough – and the President knew it and it was time to deal with it.

I followed him down the sidewalk and entered a building, through the lobby to an elevator and then down a hallway.

He knew that there were traitors and insiders there and were there meeting that were up to no good.

They were leaking information and trying to whisper in his ear with council from the dark side.

They were about to be exposed.

Trump now had evidence of who they were and what they were doing.

And they were about to be confronted.

Old school face to face.

He had suspicions and knew they had been meeting and scheming and plotting not only against him but the Nation for some time.

He knew some of the folks around him didn’t pass the smell test, but had kept them close regardless until he had enough on them all to deal with them and shut down all that they had going on.

The moment had come, not to early and not too late to deal with it. The timing was perfect.

The Holy Spirit was leading this whole deal every step of the way.

When he and the team got up to the right floor, they got off the elevator and the President again led the way.

He marched down the hallway and got to the room they were secretly meeting in – or so they thought.

President Trump stopped for a few seconds.

Took a deep breath and swung that door wide open.

He did not knock; he gave them no warning.

He wanted to catch them red handed.

And so, he did.

The room had a big board room table in the middle with chairs all around. 20 or so.

I watched as they were frozen – caught in the act.

They knew this was it for them.

Their goose was cooked.

The gig was up and it was time to pay the piper.

There would be no excuse or reason that they could possibly offer to escape the consequences that were coming.

They seemed to be in a bit of a break time as they were pulled away from the table chatting in groups of two and three inside conversations.

The table was full of laptops and documents.
It was all there.

There was one man in particular that stood out to me.

He was on the right-hand side of the table talking with a couple of people.

He was I would say in his 40s.

Dark hair, on the heavier set side.

He was greasy. Not who he portrayed himself to be.
He did not have the equity that he boasted of.

He was one of the insiders who had faked his way close to the President.

He was not who he said he was.

He had been manipulating and controlling as much as he could around the President, and from what I saw had a very dark demonic spirit upon him.

He had been working with the enemy's camp since the beginning.

He was a master chameleon and actor. He played the role well.

Until now.

Caught red handed – sitting down with the enemy sharing sensitive information and betraying the trust of the President and the other righteous leaders he was shoulder to shoulder with.

Trump entered the room and his detail and the rest of his team right behind him.

It was a moment of truth and exposure.

You could cut the air with a knife.

Trump remained calm at this point.

Nothing really needed to be said in this moment.

The evidence was in plain sight. It could not be denied.

And all the right people were in the room to see it with their own eyes.

I was then taken in the spirit into another meeting where President Trump was sitting down with legal counsel, he had added a couple new faces to the team.

They were talented, but more so gifted and anointed to do what needed to be done in this moment.

They were reviewing the J6 indictment file and the file regarding the biggest election fraud in history.

The enemy had actually brought them a gift through this action, for it would give the President and his team opportunity to bring the real truth and the whole truth to the light for all to see.

They had cases and cases of documents and evidence.
They were preparing to release and go public with.

There were a couple of Military Generals in the room as discussions were had as to next steps.

And they were big ones.

They all were acutely aware that the future and destiny of America the Beautiful and the future of western civilization as we knew was in the balance.

After intense discussion, The President asked to close the meeting in prayer for what they had to do.

As they prayed one by one around the room the presence of the Lord flooded – actually saturated the place.

The Lord's favor was upon them to be certain.

As this meeting ended and some of the team left, I was taken into the lobby where Roger Stone was waiting to be called in to meet with the President.

Roger was stronger than ever and in top form, in fact the best he had ever been in.

He almost glowed as he entered the room.

The Fire of God was upon him in such a good and amazing way, and he was well aware of it and that it was only by God's grace!

He had a briefcase and had been entrusted with evidence, information and insight that would cut the enemy off at the knees and take the enemy's head off.

He pulled a couple of files out and set them up on the table.

The first was labeled in big bold font “THE CLINTON FILES”

The second was “THE OBAMA FILES”

What Roger had in hand was next level.

This information released in the right moment at the right place would be key to taking down the enemy in the Nation on the Government mountain.

The unity and trust that was in that room with the President at that moment was so tangible, I could weep.

I saw in the spirit that as they walked this out with the Lord the shackles that the enemy had put on the nation were cut off once again bringing freedom to America the Beautiful.

Holy is the Word of the Lord.



A Dream about Hillary Clinton

The New Clinton Chronicles - 2015

Conspiring Against President Trump

LBJ and the Killing of JFK with Roger Stone

Transcript for THE CLINTON CHRONICLES documentary

Barry Wunsch - Vision of Deep State - Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, August 15, 2023



Elijah Streams - Kim Clement - 11:50 - 18:30 (GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 2015; Nashville, Tennessee, 2005)

Jeremiah 50:1-2:  "The word that the LORD spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet. Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces."

Tower of Babel Replica was Burned in Russia

God is Laughing at UN's Anti-Israel Vote

Betraying Israel Brings Destruction on the United States


Blue Coincidence?

United Nations emblem


Headquarters of the secret international governing body which is connected to the United Nations and controls the United Nations is in GENEVA, SWITZERLAND:

Underground Base in Hawaii - Geneva, Switzerland - 31:50 - 32:30

"Geneva is a global city, a financial centre, and a worldwide centre for diplomacy due to the presence of numerous international organizations, including the headquarters of many agencies of the United Nations[13] and the Red Cross.[14] In the aftermath of World War I, it hosted the League of Nations. Geneva hosts the highest number of international organizations in the world.[15] It is also where the Geneva Conventions were signed, which chiefly concern the treatment of wartime non-combatants and prisoners of war. It shares a unique distinction with municipalities such as New York City (global headquarters of the UN), Basel (Bank for International Settlements), and Strasbourg (Council of Europe) as a city which serves as the headquarters of at least one critical international organization without being the capital of a country."


Exploring Geneva, Switzerland:  A Small City With Global Status

Geneva, Switzerland:  Headquarters of the Global Deep State

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Angels of Death and Trump Dream

Angels of Death and Trump Dream




Ezekiel 9:5-7:  "And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house. And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slew in the city."

The Killer Angels

Conspiring Against President Trump

The Book of Revelation & President Trump

The Angel of Death in the film Sicario (2015)

A Marine's Encounter with Michael the Archangel

Vision of reaping angels and dream of President Trump (transcript)

White Hats and Trump are in Control in Maui

Lightning over Tampa, Florida - This is very strange

Monday, August 7, 2023

Casting Demons OUT of the Jabbed

This is from Richard’s Watch Telegram – forwarded from DeepCallstoDeep:

Hi everyone. My wife and I had an interesting encounter today.

We were asked to pray for 2 couples after church service today. One couple has been trying to get pregnant for 5 years without success. The other couple has had 2 miscarriages since June last year. We checked through with them the doctors’ report on their medical conditions. One husband was told by his doctor that his sperm was “weak”. His wife has cysts. The other couple who had 2 miscarriages are normal.

My wife felt led to ask them about their vaccination experiences. They reported having had both Astra Zeneca and Pfizer shots. They completed the required 2 or 3 shots.

We started prayer for them by asking the Spirit to come and bring His glorious presence to the room where we were meeting. One of the wives reported smelling a fragrance in the room. When we prayed for the Lord to remove the spike proteins, hydrogel, nanoparticles, graphene oxide, PEG and aluminium oxide, both the wives vomited stuff out. Both husbands felt sharp pains in their lower back, kidney, liver areas which gradually moved up their body and came out in burps and yawns. One of the husbands lost complete use of the left side of his body, as though he had a stroke. All of them reported feeling some things moving in their bodies and all of them could not stop yawning for several minutes. The wives would spit out something now and then.

After about 30 minutes of prayer, thanksgiving, calling for them to be filled with the Spirit, and commanding all the various ingredients commonly found in the vaccines to leave, they stopped all the manifestations and returned to normal. The last to get normal was the husband who lost the use of the left side of his body. He suddenly had strength again after we commanded the blood vessels on his left side of the body and the right side of his brain to be cleared of all blockages, and also all spirits that came in with the vaccines to leave.

We were very surprised at what happened because the reactions were similar to being delivered from demons. What do you all make of it?


There is no doubt that when they prayed over these people, that demons came out of them–demons that entered into them through the bioweapon injections.

Scary, Odd Testimonials of Vaxxed People being Possessed by Spirits

Possessed woman explains how the injections are the devil's work and steal your soul

Australian Senator Pauline Hanson Exposes Pfizer Lies and Corruption


A Dream of a Miscarriage

Dreams from the LORD 2003-2006 (Part I)
9 December 2003

I started having dreams from the Lord in 1990.  Around 7 September of that year, I had a dream of a miscarriage of a young lady I knew in Ames, Iowa.  [Her name was Dawn Lehmann (now Dawn Harris)].  The miscarriage happened on 7 January 1991.  I had several dreams concerning this woman while I was living in Ames.  I thought that the reason why I had several dreams concerning this young lady was that she would be my wife someday.  But now I look back and I believe the Lord was telling me that the reason she had the miscarriage was because of the dead church that she belonged to [Great Commission Church; now called Stonebrook Community Church]—they rejected the Holy Ghost, they did not live by faith and they were conformed to the world.

10 December 2003

On 7 September 1990, I saw a woman that I knew in a dream.  She was pregnant with two babies.  I could see the two babies in her womb and then both turned black.  I saw myself vomit and the name of this woman passed before my eyes. When I woke up, I was very disturbed.  She had the miscarriage on 7 January 1991.

[I believe the reason why I vomited in that dream is because that woman was part of a lukewarm church.  I vomited the woman out of my mouth or I vomited the name of the woman out of my mouth.  Revelation 3:16:  "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."]