Monday, November 28, 2016

Prophetic Dream: Assassination of Kim Clement

Kim Clement, 1956-2016

This is from the blog Behold the Man Ministries:
On September 5, 2015, I had a prophetic dream about Kim Clement that deeply troubled my spirit. Several days later, I read news online about how he suffered blood on the brain and was in critical condition at the hospital. Because I do not know Kim Clement personally or any of his associates, I reached out to several leaders in the body of Christ and shared what I had seen and heard because I was so disturbed. I have spent more than two months praying in silence for Kim and now after receiving news this week that he has been attacked again, I feel I must share publicly what God showed me several months ago. I want to be clear, my hope and desire in publishing this dream is to release clear strategy to intercessors that pray for Kim and also warn prophets that will face possible similar situations in the future.
The Dream
I walked into a large cave and as I turned the corner, there were four large principalities that were huddled together talking. They all wore different types of armor and did not notice my presence there as I stood behind a rock and watched them from around 100 feet away. As I listened to them, one of the principalities, who had “Iran and the Middle East” printed on its breast plate, stepped forward and said, “I want Kim Clement dead. He cannot keep prophesying about Iran and the Middle East.” The principalities began to laugh and it sent a chill up my spine that I don’t have words for. Immediately, that principality and 2 others left the cave.
There was one demonic principality that remained and it had, “Death” on its breastplate. As I focused my gaze toward it, it turned and looked at the cave wall behind its back. My eyes instantly fell on a list of names on the wall. Many of the names I did not recognize, but it was names of prophets specifically. One name I did recognize was John Paul Jackson. I said to the Lord in the dream,  "Did John Paul Jackson die before his time?" The Spirit said, “Yes“. I then said, “Where is Bob Jones' name on the wall?” The Spirit said to me, “Bob Jones did not die before his time.”
As the Holy Spirit spoke that to me, I immediately woke up in my room and it felt as if I was sitting in the presence of Jesus. I sat up in my bed and said, “Lord, are there really demonic principalities assigned to take out prophets?” He said, “Yes“. I then received an open vision of John Paul Jackson’s book, Needless Casualties of War.
The Spirit said to me, “This book must be read by all intercessors and prophets if they want to stay off the hit list. Kim has engaged in warfare in regards to Iran and the Middle East that I did not legislate and it must be renounced for the curse to be lifted.”
Based off of this prophetic dream and vision as I woke up, I believe Kim Clement has been attacked by a demonic principality responsible for Iran and the Middle East and we as intercessors need to renounce any warfare that Kim might have engaged in that was not legislated from Above so that he may fully recover and live.
May God continue to release understanding into the rules of engagement when it comes to addressing demonic principalities and may the prophets and intercessors of the Most High God fulfill His purposes in their generation. Saints, we must have more informed and strategic prayer in this hour.
Praying and standing with Kim,
Jeremiah Johnson


Kim Clement, 1956-2016
John Paul Jackson, 1950-2015
Bob Jones, 1930-2014


Sunday, November 27, 2016

REAL RELATIONSHIP: The Revelation (1)

This is from the blog Real Christianity:

“There is a reason people have problems in their attempt to minister together. The chief obstacle which has been in the way for the greater portion of the church age is still in the way…”

         I have written extensively on this subject. My book, Real Christianity, delves deeply into the issue. I have taught many Bible Studies on the topic.
         Though the following excerpt from the book is relatively brief, it presents the historical and Biblical essence of Real Relationship and helps every believer to discover how it positively affects his or her Christian experience and discipleship.
         Speaking of which, I highly recommend buying my book. It has received excellent reviews. Its pages are loaded with truth that reveals this application of the Lord’s teachings, the Divide and Conquer tactic against it, and so many other methods of the enemy that strive to limit and even stop the progress of the Lord’s real Community by eliminating real spiritual relationship, both with the Lord and with one another.
         Thank you and be blessed:


         There is a reason people have problems in their attempt to minister together. The chief obstacle which has been in the way for the greater portion of the church age is still in the way. We exist in the midst of a major revelation, which Christendom has repeatedly failed to apply properly. This attests to its freshness. That it had to come by revelation shows the depths of our collective naiveté. Of course, many in the pew saw the need for it long before the pulpiteers, but were powerless, in their estimation, to do anything significant about establishing it since it seemed to be in opposition to the status quo. Indeed, the ruling clergy is threatened by it and has therefore tried to water it down or channel it in a “safe” direction. But such puny attempts by even punier autocrats will never succeed against the will of God.
         What is this major revelation? Put simply, it is real relationship. Its fundamental hindrance is the clergy-laity division which was firmly established by the fourth century A.D. Remember, the Church, or Qahal[1] which Jesus initiated was a community—the community of called-out ones. In the early days, there were no class distinctions or divisions—everyone participated in a meaningful, fulfilling way. At present, though we might try, we will never arrive at real relationship church-wide, until we do away with the clergy-laity split. [2]
         Many churches have attempted to incorporate spiritual relationship between members into their objectives, and most of them think they have succeeded. This reveals at least a small amount of religious pride which must be eliminated as well. The clergy can attach any label it desires to a thing, but labeling is often as far as it gets. Those who have made great starts in the heat of great opposition, on the other hand, should be commended for their stand and supported for stepping out. In takes more time than we think, however, before real relationship is established within a group, and those who have begun the process must press on. When we at last lay to rest the evil root which causes division in the Church, we will have:
1. True recognition of each and every one of God’s people
2. A revelation of the inestimable worth of each member of the congregation
3. The utilization of this worth toward the building of real community
4. The functioning of every person in the Church according to his God-ordained purpose within his destined ministerial calling
5. The maturing of the Church into an organic ministering fellowship (the body of Messiah) with any number of horizontal relationships between members, yet only one direct vertical relationship—that between each member and the Lord Jesus [3]
         © 2016 by RJ Dawson. All Rights Reserved.

[1] Qahal is the Hebrew equivalent for “Church,” and is the word most likely used by Jesus.
[2] The word “Laity” originates from the New Testament Greek word laos (lah-’os). It is defined as a people group, whether socio-political, socio-religious, or cultural-ethnic. It generally refers to the “common people,” as a crowd, a populace, or a nation. It is also used as the people of God. When used in the latter sense, it means all of the people collectively. It is easy to see how the meaning of this word was corrupted when class division entered Christianity.
[3] Real Christianity—The Nature of the Church © 2001 by RJ Dawson. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Mark Taylor's Prophetic Word on Russia and the United States


October 19, 2016 - FULL CIRCLE

The Spirit of God says, Russia -- that's right -- Russia, I will use Russia, the United States of America, and her allies, to take on the Fourth Reich called ISIS; for it has come full circle again -- that's right -- again. The New World Order is trying to rise and take it's place, just like they did in World War Two using the Nazis. They will try again using ISIS. For this plague is spreading, but not for long; for they will be wiped out for their wrongs. For, just as in World War Two, America and her allies came in from the West, and Russia from the East, so shall it be again to slay this so-called beast, and it will be brought down to the least. Some will say, "Why would I use Russia?" Am I not the God of the cosmos? I will use anyone and any nation I choose, whether some like it or not! I will not be put in a box!

The Spirit of God says, The ties that were severed between America and Russia will begin to mend, and they will take on this so-called Goliath, and with one stone shall slay it, and all those that are behind it. For it is not just ISIS they will fight, but the Elite -- the Globalists -- and the Illuminati, who will be exposed by my light. For they are an enemy to the world and my agenda. They shall fall with a mighty blow so that my Gospel will begin to flow. For they wear their flag as if it were a prayer shawl, so they will be taken down with my shock and awe! For freedom and liberty will begin to ring, and the people will begin to sing, as healing and light come from my wings. My people rejoice and shout! For my Gospel is coming, and will go through all the earth; and all the nations will know this is why my America was birthed!

--Mark Taylor