Saturday, December 21, 2013

Minority Report

Back in 2004, I was hitchhiking and I ended up in Clarkson, Washington.  I got a motel room and the Holy Ghost fell very heavy that night and into the next morning.  I knew something was up---I was in that motel room for a reason. I turned on the TV early that morning and the film Minority Report was on some channel---I knew in my spirit that the Lord wanted me to watch that film.

I watched the film and thought it was very good.  There were these three people---two men and one woman---who were called precogs (precognitive) and they had a gift of foreseeing the future.  The woman precog was especially talented.  In their dreams or visions they could predict a murder before it happened.  Tom Cruise played a cop who worked with the precogs to prevent crimes, like murder, from happening.

Later in 2008, I was hitchhiking in Nebraska and I walked several miles to this place that had a motel and cafe.  The Lord told me to get a motel room that night.  That afternoon the film Minority Report was on TV and I watched it again.  The Lord showed me that my dreams would come true---the dreams that the Lord gave me would come true.  I thought of my very vivid dream of the Las Vegas Earthquake.
I think it is great how the Lord will use circumstances, people, films and other things to get our attention to show us things and teach us things in our walk with the Lord.  Jesus Christ is Lord over our lives everyday.
I think that it is very interesting that in the film, John Anderton had his eyes surgically removed and then had to get new eyes for him to penetrate the PreCrime organization and get to the truth of Ann Lively's and his son's death.  New eyes, new birth through baptism (he was hiding under water in the bath tub), new vision (prophetic vision with the help of the precog Agatha) and new life.  And this is how John Anderton exposed and defeated  Director Lamar Burgess and the Gates of Hell.
Matthew 16: 18:  "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Dreams from the LORD 2007-2010
21 December 2010
"Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, directed by Steven Spielberg. Precog. Ann Lively. Visions. Dreams come true. John Anderton. New eyes. A prophet’s eyes. Prevision. Las Vegas Earthquake."

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