I recently sent two emails to a Christian lady that I know. In these emails, I tried to explain to her my work of intercessory prayer. There are different levels of intercession just like there are different levels of Christian maturity or spirituality.
When Samson took the jawbone of an ass and killed one thousand Philistines, this was a physical foreshadowing of the spiritual warfare that intercessors do in the New Testament—those who are surrendered to Christ. I love the word “surrender”; Watchman Nee once wrote that the word “surrender” is a better and more powerful word than “submit”. I would like to think that if a Christian is truly surrendered to Christ, that he is truly dissolved into Christ.
19 January 2011
I just read your comment and you asked about intercession. It is probably providential that you asked because, earlier today, I was talking with a Christian lady and I tried to explain to her my intercessory work.
There are different levels of intercession. You can pray in English and ask the Lord for wisdom or strength. You can pray in tongues. Back in 1992 the Lord told me not to pray in English; He told me to obey Him and let the Holy Ghost/Presence of God flow through me and satanic strongholds would be taken out [the phrase “and satanic strongholds would be taken out” was an understanding that came later in my life]. Most people don't know what I mean by intercession (or my work of intercession). It is a lifestyle of obedience to the Lord. Since I am obeying Him (taking up my cross and following Him—dying to self), He will glorify my body and this is what destroys satanic strongholds. You can also call it rapture.
There is no such thing as a bodily or physical rapture. Rapture is spiritual—you are rapt up into the Presence of God. It can be very powerful. One time I was burning up in the Holy Ghost (glorification/rapture)—and when this happens, it feels like your eyes are going to burn right out of their sockets, it is so intense. Sometimes it is hard to see. Sometimes people see the light coming out of your eyes and it scares the tar out of them. Anyway, one time I was burning up in the Holy Ghost and the next day Saddam Hussein was captured. This other time I was burning up in the Holy Ghost and Al Zaquari [spelling incorrect; it should be Abu Musab al-Zarqawi] was killed the next day.
The Lord uses my intercession to destroy satanic (Muslim or anything satanic) strongholds–-it is very strategic and it is very hard for me to explain it to people.
There is a post on my blog called "Intercession". You may want to read it sometime.
Right now I am in Dubois, Wyoming; I should be heading to Jackson tomorrow.
Sincerely, Tim
You don't have to pray in tongues to be in tune with the Holy Ghost. You definitely are sensitive to the Holy Ghost because it is all over your blog. I have met tongue talkers who were spiritually dead.
My intercession is not using words—English or tongues. The Lord glorifies my body and this is what removes the satanic stronghold. I do pray in English or tongues once in a while, but that is a different kind of intercession.
About Saddam Hussein: No, I did not consciously pray for his capture. The Presence of God was very strong on me for a day or two before his capture and I know that the two were linked. In my intercession, I do not consciously pray or think of anything: it is the power of God flowing through me because I have willingly laid my life down (died to self) and let the Lord run my life. Too many Christians do their own thing and call it the will of God and they wonder why the Lord doesn't do anything powerful in their lives.
Yes, I am still hitchhiking. I might be in one place for one to three nights and then I hit the road. I am always going, always walking and hitchhiking. I would rather not, but this is God's will for my life. Mount Moriah revisited.
Sincerely, Tim