Monday, October 4, 2010

A Ride from Lander to Riverton, Wyoming

Dreams from the LORD 2007-2010
1 October 2010

Yesterday I walked a couple of miles out of Lander, Wyoming and this guy in a pickup pulled over to give me a ride.

“Heading to Riverton?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“That’s where I’m going.”

We drove down the highway a few minutes and then he asked, “Didn’t you write a book?”

“Yeah. I had a book published; it hasn’t sold many copies.”

“I’m pretty sure I picked you up earlier this year.”

I looked at him and said, “You look familiar.”

“I picked you up and drove you to South Pass. I was test-driving a vehicle.”

“Yeah, I remember you. It was sometime this past summer. Did I write down the title of my book and my blog for you?”


“If you have a piece of paper, I’ll write down some information, if you want to look up my blog. What’s your name?” I asked.

“Keith,” he replied.

“My name is Tim.” We shook hands.

Keith gave me a piece of paper and a pen and I wrote down the title of my book, my name and my blog address.

Keith then said, “I guess I was meant to pick you up again so that I could read your blog.”

“Yeah. I thought I wrote it down the first time I met you.


“The Lord works in crazy ways.”

“Yeah, he sure does.”

I remember Keith picking me up this summer. He works as a mechanic in Lander. When people pick me up hitchhiking, I usually ask them if they want to read my blog. If they do, then I will write some information for them on a piece of paper. I guess when Keith picked me up the first time, I assumed that he wasn’t interested in my book or my blog. I assumed wrong.

God’s thoughts are higher than my thoughts.

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